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Deb Bunt

8 Year Anniversary of Dementia Diagnosis

This weekend marked the 8th anniversary of Peter's official diagnosis. I wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of his achievements since that day and this is by no means an exhaustive list!

Cycled across the country

Cycled four counties on his penny farthing

Cycled from London to Suffolk on a fixed gear bike in 7 hours

Cycled thousands of miles mainly on his single speed, fixed gear bike

Raised thousands of pounds for charities Abseiled down The Orbital Tower

Publication of two books complete with several book signings in both independent and mainstream bookshops Delivered a number of talks to organisations, charities and libraries about living well with the condition Become more widely known in the USA, including a couple of articles in American publications

Been featured on over 8 different podcasts, including some in India and the USA

Has become a patron of a London based charity, For Brian

Been guest speaker at The Alzheimer's Show Appeared on a monthly slot on BBC Radio Suffolk Appeared on the panel at this year’s Norwich Science Festival Become involved with starting a local dementia support group Been invited to be the guest speaker at this year’s Dementia Awareness Week Conference Been invited to speak at this year’s Felixstowe Book Festival Been invited to be the Suffolk ‘face of Medicalert’ Been supporting Suffolk HealthWatch Been involved in supporting Suffolk Council with their virtual reality project

Been invited to be the speaker in Orwell Housing Association's upcoming 'knowledge café' Been referenced in an article in research paper in Hong Kong Been invited to feature on Time for Dementia's student project Fixed several punctures Been a great friend to a certain small child and that child’s grandmother

And above all :

Been Peter.

And, we go again!

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