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Deb Bunt

"A roundabout with no signposts: People’s experiences of dementia in Suffolk."

A while ago, Peter and Teresa were interviewed by Healthwatch Suffolk as part of Suffolk's research into dementia services in the county. The full report has now been published and it's a very comprehensive and thought provoking set of findings. If you are so minded, you can read the report in the link below:

Peter and Teresa's video can be found in this second link - it's worth listening and watching and anyone who can spot and identify the back of a small child's head will get a bonus point.

There is another bonus point for anyone who can identify who might have said the 'roundabout' quote which forms the heading of the report...

"A roundabout with no signposts: People’s experiences of dementia in Suffolk"

A huge well done to all those involved in the compilation of this report and let's hope some real changes are made as a result of the findings.

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