Peter has become involved in working with Healthwatch Suffolk as they begin their work and research with the NHS, Suffolk County Council and others who have an interest in improving support for people living with dementia and their carers.
Here is a summary of their work and the hoped for outcomes, taken directly from Healthwatch Suffolk:
"The work will help these agencies understand what support is like in Suffolk for those with dementia and their carers, what could help people to live well with dementia at home,
what care in hospitals and other NHS services is like for people who have dementia and what could be improved about it and how Suffolk can become a friendly place for people to live with dementia."
The findings of the project - which will crucially include the lived experiences of participants - will be shared with NHS, social care and community leaders as well as the public.
Peter was interviewed this morning by two representatives from Healthwatch and, as I suspected, they were blown away by his honesty, his insight and that inimitable Berry perspective on how he lives well with the condition.
It will be interesting to see how the work takes shape and what changes are implemented but it is imperative that any work done is informed by those who live with dementia.