The Berrys and I have finally (about time!) started to address our minds and bodies to Peter's "100 mile in a day on his penny farthing ride". The ride is scheduled for 15th June, and is cunningly placed in between England matches so there is no excuse for people not to join us.
We will leave Friston (by The Chequers pub) at 7.30AM, cycle about 50 miles to Hemsby, stopping every 20 miles or so and then, quite simply, turn around and retrace our wheelsteps until we get back to Friston. Easy, eh?
As you can see from the photos, we have now cycled the first 50 miles of the route to Henstead and back. Henstead will be our first café stop. The good news is they do splendid waffles and fruit, toasted sandwiches and full English breakfasts. There is no bad news.
After Henstead, we will head towards Lowestoft and stop at Caister-on-Sea (Old Manor Cafe | Great Yarmouth) and then up through Yarmouth before arriving triumphantly in Hemsby. And then, we will simply turn around and retrace our pedal prints.
It would be great to see as many of Peter's friends and cycling chums as possible. We will certainly not be going fast but, equally, we WILL be going! We also hope a couple of other penny farthing riders will join us.
To make it more challenging for both Teresa and for me, we are going to cycle on our single speed/fixed gear bikes. We hope that Mark will be joining us on his fixed too but no pressure, Mark. Well, it can't be all about Peter now, can it?
Check out the events page on Peter's website for more details as our plans continue to take shape.